A while ago I got an email message from Lisa, who used my plans to build a two-level rabbit condo for her dwarf lionhead baby bunny, Reese. Does he like his new home? According to Lisa, “He is in bunny heaven!” She said, “Thanks so much for the great directions and the plan that allowed us to build a “Bunny Dream Home” for less than $100.
Here is a picture of the rabbit condo that Lisa made for Reese…

After Lisa sent me the picture, I asked her if she could please send me a photo of Reese to share with the “How to Build a Rabbit Condo” readers, and she was kind enough to do so.
It turns out that Lisa and Todd have four kids, two dogs and three cats along with their bunny, and with a household like that, I suppose life can get a little hectic, so it took her a while to reply, but finally she has sent us a picture of Reese, and he looks like a very handsome dude indeed.

Along with the photo, Lisa also sent us the follow-up news that Reese is doing super and he loves his rabbit condo. She added, “Thanks again for a great plan!”
We are glad to see Reese and the bunny cage that Lisa built using our plans and video as a guide, and we would like to thank Lisa for sharing her pictures with our readers.
On one of the rabbit online forums, I read that someone said the price we have listed for our condo is wrong. Well, although the price list we posted here is correct for the amount we paid several years ago, that does not mean that someone who lives in a different part of the world can’t buy the components for cheaper. As a matter of fact, we sometimes see ads on Craigslist for people who have used NIC cube squares for sale cheap. If you are thinking of building a rabbit condo for your bunny, you may want to check online to see if you can get clean used ones in your area before driving off to the hardware store.